[Hyvor Blogs] No multi-language navigation links?

Hi! I just signed up for Hyvor Blogs. So far, I find it awesome - I especially like the multi-language integration, easy and straightforward.

But I found a bug or a missing feature, I think. I created an “About” page, in two languages (EN and ES). I also created a navigation link, in the header. I CAN change the text in the navigation link (“About” in EN", and “Sobre mí” in ES), but I don’t seem to be able to change the URL it points to. That is: both in EN and in ES it points to the same page (the English version).

How could I make sure that the English version header points to “/about”, and the Spanish version header points to “/es/about”? Or, if not possible, is this something that you have on your roadmap?


This is indeed a missing feature. We’ll be woking on this soon. I’ll update here when we release it :slight_smile:

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